A handwritten flow chart: Thought process of a narcissist. Is this about me? No > Make it about me. Yes > Make it MORE about me
Flowchart: Thought Process of a Narcissist

Diagnosing Mother

M. B. Moorer


I put this drawing/flowchart up on twitter. It is about my mother and her mother and the ways in which they make everything about themselves. But of course, it’s also about Trump and so many of the rich and powerful, the white people, the men, the people who continue to vote for people who will take away their healthcare, their rights, because they’d rather lose it than have one person who isn’t like them have access to the same.



M. B. Moorer

Work published at Tin House, Electric Lit, Hobart, The Offing, Future Fire, The Toast. I research for Roxane Gay. | melissamoorer.com